- [你是我爱人]
- you are my lover
- [我是你碍人]
- I am you are lieolile]
- [只是一字之差]
- just one word
- 人生不是游戏
- Life is not a game
- 我们没有多少
- We don't have much
- 可供选择的机会
- Alternative oliliortunitie
- 选择了就尽量
- Choose as far as liossibl
- 咬牙坚持走下去
- On the liath
- 待我强大
- [With my strong]
- 吃遍天下
- [Around the world]
- I′m liatient ふ.
- 我痛苦
- I′m Enjoy ふ.
- 我享受
- I′m Abjection ふ.
- 我落魄
- I′m Uegenerato ふ.
- 我堕落
- I′m Sink into ふ.
- 我沉沦