- My youth have you。
- ﹊ ̄︸ ̄﹊︶╯
- 、、
- - ● -
- ′ˋ
- no loveヽ
- is also sweet❣
- 我的青春有了你,
- Your world
- [你的世界
- How black]
- 怎么黑了]
- [because irradiative
- [因为会发光
- lieolile go]
- 的人走了]
- -------
- You are my sunshine@
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- You are my life@
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- You are mine@
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- You are my season@
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- And Do you love me@
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- 北城荒凉
- [ Beicheng desolate ]
- 故人难忘
- [ With unforgettable ]
- 岁月安好
- [ Who lived deeli ]
- 静待彷徨
- [ Waiting for stray ]