- [心中有座坟]
- There is a grave heart
- [葬着未亡人]
- Buried the survivor
- [脚下虽无坟]
- At the foot of no grave
- [却似丢了魂]
- But like a lost soul
- 海 丶
- 是倒过来的天
- - You and me ,
- in the middle of
- the sea .
- 期待有一天っ
- 碧海蓝天白婚纱ツ
- 还有我爱的他ツ
- ───────┼
- 七年后,
- 少年ゃ
- 我嫁你
- Must want to me
- [一定要想我]
- Must read me
- [一定要念我]
- Must love me
- [一定要爱我]
- I can not abando
- [不能抛弃我]
- ▼▼。
- │﹎ 懵懵懂懂
- ╰→仅有的温存
- │﹎ 跌跌撞撞
- ╰→仅有的余温
- │﹎ 轰轰烈烈
- ╰→仅有的依赖
- │﹎平平凡凡
- ╰→仅有的幸福
- ˙•...•˙`˙