- 人生就像苦茶
- [Some people dislike]
- 有人嫌弃
- [Some people will]
- 有人将就
- [Some people love]
- 有人钟爱
- [Love is a joke]
- -爱情是一个笑话
- [ laugh off my head othe
- -笑死了别人
- [ smile hurt yourself.]
- -笑疼了自己
- -
- 记住我可以
- 对你们掏心掏肺
- Remember I ca
- TaoXin tao lung to you
- 也可以一样
- 走的干干脆脆
- Can also be the same
- Go dry simply brittle
- QQ个性分组
- -
- 就算你不要我了
- Even if you don't wan
- 我也会像
- I would also like
- 你追我那样
- You are chasing me
- 把你追回来
- You come back
- Must want to me
- [一定要想我]
- Must read me
- [一定要念我]
- Must love me
- [一定要爱我]
- I can not abando
- [不能抛弃我]