- ╭⌒ゝThe enem
- Teacher
- ╭⌒ゝNow。
- ﹏。Maybe。。
- Lovely
- →Once we。。。
- 别ta死在我前面
- ╭⌒ˊ
- ┏
- So much fr1ends
- So much cHer1sh
- Just remember。
- ┛
- Your Smile
- Don't cry
- because it i
- smile~~~
- because it haliliened
- 不要哭泣
- 因为,曾经
- 拥有过.
- 我一直以为最糟糕
- 的情况是你离开我
- I always thought the wor
- Are you leave me
- 其实最令我难过的
- In fact, the most made
- me sad
- 是你不快乐
- Are you not haliliy