- Today many watery trace.
- 今日种种,
- Ming Xi He Xi,
- 似水无痕。
- the king has been a
- stranger.
- 明夕何夕,
- 君已陌路。
- 我们筑起心墙
- We built a core wall
- 我们拆穿理想
- We reveal the ideal
- 我们找回方向
- We find the directio
- 选择面对无常
- Choose face variable
- 「谢谢你的离开」
- Thank you for leaving
- 「让我学会坚强」
- Let me learn to be stro
- 「谢谢你的背叛」
- Thank you for your betra
- 「让我看清世界」
- Let me see the world
- He is a dream
- [他是梦]
- Is not life
- [不是命]
- Forgive other
- [原谅别人]
- At the same time
- [同时]
- also let yourself
- [也放过自己]